This beautiful lady is in serious trouble, as a large section of Pentecostal/charismatic people want instant judgment on her!
Some want her dead! Others are praying down fire from above to consume her!
Her offense is simple. She went on air to advertise her product line of charms, that have the "potency" to win men, make a man marry a lady and so on! THAT'S HER OFFENCE!!!
Is her craft wicked? YES!
Does God still lover her? YES!!!
Can her charms affect a believer? NO!
Saul of Tarsus was worse! He was a terrorist! Killing believers, putting some in jail. He even got an approval from the Pharisee headquarters to damage the Church! Then, Christ showed up!
The FIRE DEPARTMENT of Heaven crew in Nigeria are busy calling down fire on this lady lavishly loved by Christ! A lady God sent Christ to die for! He came to save that which was lost!
The comments I read on Facebook scared me to mouth wide open! The judgment and pronouncement passed on this lady by these brethren are enough to obliterate COVID-19 in Nigeria!
One of them said they deal with such cases on their "alter of fire".... Which alter sir???
Sir, sitting in your church are ladies in your choir, protocol department, Ushers and co that have already patronized her and other digital Charm Providers!
Excuse me sir, you will be shocked to know how many notable men of God who speak in tongues that are sleeping with her!
You want to call down fire on her, but you precede over the wedding of a lady that you know is already pregnant in church! This lady is no hypocrite! She is real and openly displays where she belongs!
Why haven't you Pentecostal folks call down fire on the Abuja based pastor known for raping ladies, and taking advantage of his female parishioners!
Why is your heart so wicked and cold, to the point that you want her to SLEEP & DIE!!!
A people of miracles without mercy! A people with laughter yet without love! If she brings tithes and seed to you, you will collect!
What have we done about the sex escapades, fraud, manipulations ( witchcraft) going on our midst? Why didn't you call fire???
Is it wrong to reach out to her in prayers, show her the love of God and leave the 99 to save that ONE that's lost!!
Pastor David Ogbueli once said that, God is done with the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement! It is now a religion!
Christ said; "“He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.”
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